Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another Update

We went to the hospital this morning and Tom will NOT have to have radiation
therapy. The test that he took this am shows he does not have
hyperthyroidism but an inflamed thyroid and radiation will not help
him. He will be seeing the endocrinologist next week (hopefully) to
find out what kind of treatment he will need. Thank you for your

Monday, December 17, 2007

Update on Tom

I'm coming out of my break to let you know that the medication Tom was taking for his hyperthyroidism was not working so he is going to have a radiation treatment on Thursday. He will take a capsule that has iodine and the radiation which goes to the thyroid. Tom will be radioactive for a period of time - I think 24 hours. They send him home from the hospital and I have to stay away from him. We are hopeful that this works. Please pray for him.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Taking a Break

Maybe I'm just a follower but since a couple of my long time blogging buddies, Scott and Beverly have taken a blogging break I think I'll do the same. I will still be reading, so you might see a comment now and then. Meanwhile have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.