Monday, December 17, 2007

Update on Tom

I'm coming out of my break to let you know that the medication Tom was taking for his hyperthyroidism was not working so he is going to have a radiation treatment on Thursday. He will take a capsule that has iodine and the radiation which goes to the thyroid. Tom will be radioactive for a period of time - I think 24 hours. They send him home from the hospital and I have to stay away from him. We are hopeful that this works. Please pray for him.


Greetings From Tucson said...

thanks for letting us know about Tom! Have you figured out how to get him home from the hospital in the same car and still stay away from him? We'll be thinking of you!

Dina said...

Hi Vonnie,

I'm glad Tom is on the way to RECOVERY!! sorry he has to go through it. Tell him Tiki will lead in prayer for him tonight!!!