Saturday, February 03, 2007

Checking In

I guess I better check in. I haven't wanted to post because I have to admit I didn't pass both my songs. I still have one to tape during rehearsal time next Tuesday. It is a lot easier for me to do it this way than in a quartet situation. Our retreat is next weekend and I have to have passed both songs before we go to retreat. They run through my head all the time and of course they are right in my head and in perfect pitch. For some reason they don't always come out right -if I'm nervous. So here's hoping I pass Tuesday night.

We almost went to Orlando Tuesday and would have come back today. Yesterday morning we woke up to the news of the tornados in the Orlando area. I said "Thank you God that we didn't go". I think Florida is a very pretty state, but they have way too many natural disasters. Arizona is a haven. No tornados, hurricanes or earthquakes. We do get our monsoon rains in the summer, but we are grateful for them.

Tom and I saw Night at the Museum Thursday afternoon (bargain prices, of course). We both enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it yet I would recommend it.

This morning I went to a baby shower at church. The expectant mother received lots of cute baby gifts, but I am much too old to get excited about baby gifts - unless of course unless it was my grandbaby. What do you think of the 67 year old mother that lied about her age to the doctor and gave birth to twins? Now that is just plain nuts!


Dina said...

Hi Vonnie!

I know what you mean about "hearing" the song in your head and it's perrrfect!! I think if your nervous, that has everything to do with it...just remember "if God is for us, who can be against us". God is on your side and you'll sing like an ANGEL!!!

good thing you didn't go to Florida. they have WAY TOO MANY THINGS GOING ON OVER THERE!!

good luck!!

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I too enjoyed Life Group yesterday at you and Tom's house.

Bobby Valentine

Greetings From Tucson said...

Hi Vonnie,
I hope your additional audition goes well - and I hope all is well with you. I am resurfacing today after spending the last two days sick at home. Hope you and Tom don't get it!