Monday, February 26, 2007

Reading Books

You may be asking where I have been - it seems like I am going longer between posts. I have worked a few days - two days last week and I am doing Kindergarten tomorrow. But mainly I have been reading. I have always liked to read and almost always have a novel on my nightstand. Since I started blogging my reading time has been consumed with reading about other people's lives and ideas. Since Bobby's arrival I have been reading more books and spending less time on blogs. He has challenged us to read through the Gospels three times in the year, and I have finished Mark and started Luke. I also read his book, Kingdom Come and just finished N.T. Wright's book, Paul. I am also re-reading the Stone-Campbell Movement by Leroy Garrett. I've started Nancy's book, A Red State of Mind but got sidetracked. It is really fun to read and you can order it from Amazon as you can the other books I've mentioned. N.T. Wright seems to be quoted by a lot of people lately such as Mike Cope and Simply Christian seems to be the one most often quoted. I didn't buy that one because I plan to borrow it from Bobby. I hope it is easier to read than his book on Paul. I had to keep my Bible and a dictionary handy to get through it. I have also seen a couple of movies - Tom went with me to see Dreamgirls (second time for me) and I took Talya (Bobby's youngest daughter) to see A Night at the Museum - also for the second time for me. Talya spent the night with us one night when Rachael was in the hospital and it was fun having a little girl around. I learned about Webkins. Oh yeah, my friend Sandy and I went to see Music and Lyrics - it was cute. So as you can see I have been busy.


C D said...

missed reading your blog... glad you've updated! It is almost 2:30 am and I'm not going to sleep and will regret it tomorrow and probably the rest of this week.

So... of to snooze land for me.

Candy said...

You have been busy!! Sounds like you're using your time wisely.

Greetings From Tucson said...

I too enjoyed the movie, except I can't get the main title song out of my head. The only part I can remember is the one line "my way back into love..." and it is driving me crazy! I guess I'll have to see the movie again - want to go to Macaroni Grill?

Dina said...

Hi Vonnie, I too have not been "into" blogging as much as earlier....but times come & go, I'm glad to hear your reading wonderful chapters...

Say Hello to Tom!!

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Sounds like a lot of good reading. Especially one book, :-)

Talya had a great time and I thank you for watching her while Rachael was in the hospital.

Bobby Valentine

Beverly said...

I can just see you in your chair with your little dog in your lap reading away...

Have a good weekend, friend.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Vonnie -

Sorry to be so long in commenting, but then you've been a long time in blogging, so I guess we're even!

Thanks for all of the updates and wish I could come visit you all. I was just talking with my mom this afternoon in Abilene and Palo Verde came up. Funny thing about about that. Tucson and Palo Verde is ALWAYS coming up.

Anyway . . .

Cheers & blessings! Dee

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Thanks for keeping the girls. They are looking forward to it.

Bobby Valentine

Beverly said...

when are you coming to abilene?