Thursday, March 15, 2007

Finished Another Book

I am so excited. I just finished NT Wright's book, Simply Christian and it was so good. It was a lot easier to read than his book on Paul, but I guess it was written for a different audience - meaning not scholars. So if you haven't read it yet give it a try. I am about halfway through Leroy Garret's book, the Stone-Campbell Movement and it is interesting to see the difference in the way religious scholars of different centuries approach the same subject. I feel so different than when I first started out on this Christian journey. I was taught by my grandparents about Jesus and I will always be grateful for that. I was also taught that if we just read the Bible and "spoke where the Bible spoke and was silent where the Bible was silent" we would all come to the same conclusions and be simply Christians. Funny how it has taken me a lot of years to realize that that doesn't happen. I am grateful for my heritage in the Church of Christ and at the same time I can understand how some churches, such as Oak Hills in San Antonio where Max Lucado preaches, has chosen to drop the name because they believe it has had some negative connotations. When you read about Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone you realize that they were not trying to start a new church but wanted to see unity among Christians. I think when you try to make doctrine your "unifying method" that is when you get into trouble. This is my opinion anyway. So, am I a heretic?


Greetings From Tucson said...

I don't think you're a heretic - you are on a journey and are seeing all the different sites!

C D said...

A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. I value my tradition (heritage), I value the people who don't believe the same as I do.

I think it is awesome you're investigating and enjoying all this cool stuff!!

Beverly said...

ummm...Jesus was a heretic..seems like a cool but unpopular at times club to be in ...

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Your not a real heretic until you believe in the renewed earth :-)
You are reading some good stuff.

Bobby Valentine

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you, I've just put some NT Wright books on hold at the library!