I realize that I am one of the oldest bloggers of all the bloggers I regularly read and sometimes feel that I am a little out of place. However, it hasn't kept me from reading - or blogging. I am energized by younger people and even though I don't mind growing older I don't want to be part of the Senior Saints, Citizens, or whatever we are called.
With that said my posts on retirement are probably not of much interest to you younger folk, but it is my life. When I was teaching I knew people who should of retired but were afraid because they didn't have a life outside of school. I also knew teachers who retired and died within a year of retirement.
At first it wasn't strange because I was used to being out of school in the summers, so it just seemed like summer vacation-plus we moved to a new state, so there was the excitement of being in a new place. One day I woke up and thought "is this all there is?" Fortuneately that didn't last long. I waited a year before I did any substitue teaching and then it wasn't much. I started the school year this year working one or two days a week, but I quit after a couple of months. My husband had surgery on his eyes and we were making a lot of doctor visits. Once he was better I just didn't have the desire to sub. I actually never was completely off the sub list, just listed as not available. This spring I got a letter inquiring about my interest in next year. The letter stated even if I wasn't sure turn it in as Yes, so I did. We'll see when school starts.
So what do I enjoy? I love waking up when I want to. I love the time I have for Bible Study and I love singing with my chorus of Sweet Adelines - and no, they are not all old. Our youngest member is 13 and we have all ages.I love our church and the fact that I can actually go to Ladie's class, which I have never been able to do, because most classes stop in the summer. I am not quite sure why that is. I really, really love being able to travel. Oh and did I forget that I love my computer - it is an Apple iBook and I can actually lay in bed, watch TV and blog. BTW, retirement comes sooner than you expect, so be sure that you are prepared.