Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday - A Day of Rest

I don't know about you but doesn't the Bible say you are supposed to rest on Sunday afternoon. I've noticed most people don't post on Sunday, so I assume you are all at church in the AM, resting in the afternoon and back at church in PM. We don't have evening services now that we have LIFE groups on Sunday night. We were leading one on Sunday nite and Monday afternoon. Last month we decided to move our Monday afternoon group to Sunday afternoon. Bad idea. We are meeting today - in a few minutes and then going back to Monday afternoon. I missed my Sunday afternoon nap - and I tried to get it during LIFE group last week. People coming, gotta quit.


Scott said...

Yep, in 1st Hezekaiah, there's a verse somewhere that "thou shalt take naps on Sunday afternoons."

Beverly said...

Just say you went to the Church of Heavenly Rest..

Greetings From Tucson said...

Maybe we should plan our life groups on a different day than Sunday... I like the format and the fellowship of being together on Sunday, but some days I rush home and spend the remainder of the afternoon cleaning up the house or preparing food and I'm then exhausted by Sunday evening and still have to get prepared for work the next day. It makes me tired just thinking about it!