Sunday, April 29, 2007


I saw three movies since Friday. The first one was The Perfect Stranger with Halle Berrie and Bruce Willis. It was rated R and I think I probably don't need to go to R rated films. The story line was good but I had to put up with some junk. I am glad no one went with me - it's not one I would want to take a friend to. But if you like Halle Barrie or scary movies you might like it. But remember I warned you. The other two were better. My friend Sandy and I went to see Wild Hogs (our husbands went to the Men's retreat). We laughed so hard. The third movie was from Blockbuster - The Queen. If you haven't already seen it - rent it.

We leave tomorrow for Pepperdine. I am looking forward to it - seeing people you've known from all over is as much fun as going to the lectures. The singing is always awesome. We are going to take two days to get there. We don't like driving too far in one day.I'm not sure where we will stop - we'll probably just drive until we are tired.

Have a great week everyone!


Dina said...

We used to drive passed Pepperdine to get to Malibu Beach when I was young!! I always wished I could go to that school!


Vonnie said...

Dina, I did go to Pepperdine - but not in Malibu. When I graduated from high school - in 1960 Pepperdine was in Los Angeles - at 79th and Vermont Ave. I also grew up in that neighborhood and went to the church by the campus. Actually my neighborhood was a little further east and was not as nice as the community around the college. I think tuition at that time was about $1000 a year and I had 3/4 tuition scholarship and was able to live off campus. I understand that now it is about $40,000 a year with room and board. BTW I got married my sophomore year and graduated from a state college in Georgia.