Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween - the Day After

I have just finished reading several blogs about Halloween and I didn't read of one that shared our experience - we had our Halloween candy stolen right from our front porch. We have a security door and a little entry and Tom had put a little table out there with the candy in a bowl, then he sat at the kitchen table and played on his computer waiting for the kids. I was in the bedroom keeping Murphy from barking at the trick or treaters. He had seen several cuties when our next door neighbors came over. When he got to the door he discovered we had been robbed- no candy and NO BOWL! At least they left the table. Can you believe that?


Beverly said...

Man, that is terrible!

Greetings From Tucson said...

I'm so sorry that happened! They must have really needed the bowl and the candy to be so greedy.
We only had 3 kids that came to our door. I suppose it was too dark and too many snowbirds.

Candy said...

That is a real bummer. We had lots of kids come by. My two favorites were a butterfly on her daddy's shoulders and a pink poodle. The scariest one was an ogre. I almost didn't answer the door. We're not wild about Halloween at our house. Max refuses to participate. He's slept on our floor for two weeks now as tv is consumed with Halloween programming. I love that kid.

Scott said...

Wow - that stinks.

We had no, count 'em, NO, kids come by. I guess that "I hate children" sign I put in the front yard really conveyed the message ;-)

Man, for the life of me, I can't remember what I did...something about the beach, a cigarette, and a posessed answering machine.

C D said...

how sad! B & I ditched and went and saw "Invincible" at the movies... it was a worthy movie to pay money for :D.

Beverly said...

Vonnie..what is Scott talking about?..He's one crazy preacher!

Vonnie said...

I have no idea what Scott is talking about?
