Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Beginnings

Bobby, Pamela, Rachel and Talya arrived yesterday, along with the hamster and dog. Several people helped them unload their car - furniture is due later in the week. Tom and I took them out to lunch to one of Tucson's finest - Peter Piper Pizza. If you have been following my posts that is where we had Tom's 65th birthday party in June. They actually have pretty good pizza. Bobby didn't preach today but he says next week's sermon might be about new beginnings. We are looking forward to his sermons.

I finally took down the Christmas decorations and tomorrow I will clean the living room before our LIFE group arrives. We didn't meet the last two Mondays and I have really missed our being together. I think we are studying about Stephen tomorrow. Before I had children I considered naming a boy Stephen Job. I think Tom Jr is glad I didn't.

I downloaded an Ugly Betty episode from the iTunes store for my iPod that I didn't think I had seen but I had so I'm listening to it anyway. If you haven't seen it give it a try - you might like it. Only a half-hour and a new episode of Desperate Housewives is on. Yes, I know I have wonderful taste in television shows. I guess I'll start a Sudoku game - I didn't play at all yesterday.

1 comment:

Scott said...

here's to new beginning.

i've seen a couple of those ugly betty shows - pretty cute.